Admissions Open - Ph.D. Programme (July 2025) | Admissions Open - Master in Physiotherapy 24-25
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Student’s Grievance Redressal Cell

Sr. No. Designation Name
1 A Professor – Chairperson

Dr. Swapnil Sudhirkumar Agarwal

Professor & Head, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, PSMC 


2 Four Professors/ Senior Faculty Members of the Institution as Members

1. Mr. Shailesh Panchal,

I/C Principal, INS



2. Dr. Sonal Chitroda

Associate Professor, LPPIMLT



3. Dr. Dharmik Patel

Prof. & Head, Biochemistry, PSMC



4. Dr. Shweta Parikh [Member Secretary]

Associate Professor, KMPIP


3 A representative from among students to be nominated on academic merit/excellence in sports/performance in co-curricular activities - Special Invitee

Ms. Archie Asari

II MBBS, PSMC, Karamsad


Details of the ombudsperson at Bhaikaka University :

Name of the Private Universit Name and contact details of the Ombudsperson(s) No. of SGRCs constituted in the University URL of the Online Portal for Students Grievances
Bhaikaka University

Dr. Mahendra Chotalia

(Ex-Director, Children’s University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat)

M: +91-9879528129



Functions of the Cell:

  • To address queries of the students related to examinations
  • To address queries of the students related to teaching learning activities
  • To address issues related to stress following closure of institutions under COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Any other issue where a student needs assistance from the institution

Students of academic institutes of Bhaikaka University can approach the respective members for the matter mentioned above.

Any student / resident who requires help for any mental or psychological health issues can contact Department of Psychiatry, Pramukhswami Medical College, to the following faculty :

  • Dr. Anusha Prabhakaran
  • Dr. Himanshu Sharma 
  • Dr. Jagdish R Varma
  • Dr. Shardul R Solanki
  • Dr. Dharav B Patel
  • Ms. Alvis Keisham
Sr. No. Title Document
1. Notification of Reconstitution - 17-08-2024  Click here
2. Notification of Reconsititution - 20-02-2024  Click here
3. Notification of Reconstitution - 08-06-2023  Click here
4. Notification of Reconsitution - 12-05-2023  Click here
5. Notification of Constitution - 30-12-2020  Click here