Admissions Open - Ph.D. Programme (July 2025) | Admissions Open - Master in Physiotherapy 24-25
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Student Startup and Innovation Cell

Sr. No. Designation Name Nomination
1 Provost Dr. Abhay Dharamsi Chairperson
2 Industry Expert (Industrialist/ Innovator/ Investor) Mr. Vishal D. Patel


3 President, Vitthal Udhyognagar, GIDC, Karamsad - Ex-officio Member
4 Secretary, Vitthal Udhyognagar, GIDC, Karamsad - Ex-officio Member
5 Alumni (having one Startup/ Patent/ Innovation/ Industry) Dr. Kamlesh Patel Member
6 Ecosystem Expert 1. Mr. Jay Joshi, iHUB Gujarat
2. Mr. Yash Pandya, iHUB Gujarat
3. Dr. Pankaj Chhatrala, Vadodara
4. Dr. Karnav Patel
7 Finance Expert Mr. Jeevan Akhouri,

Finance Officer,

Bhaikaka University

8 Academic Expert 1. Dr. Somashekhar Nimbalkar,

Prof. & Head, Neonatology,

Pramukhswami Medical College

2. Dr. Soaham Desai,

Prof. & Head, Neurology,

Krishna Hospital

9 Student Representative 1. Nominated by Bhaikaka University
2. Nominated by Bhaikaka University
10 University SSIP Co-Coordinator Ms. Drashti A. Purohit,


LP Patel Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology

11 University SSIP Coordinator Dr. Chirag Patel,

Asst. Professor, Microbiology,

Pramukhswami Medical College

Member Secretary