Admissions Open - Master in Physiotherapy 24-25


Rules and Regulation of Central Library

Library Reading Room will remain closed during the following Public Holidays:

  • Republic day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Makarsankranti, Holi (second Day), Diwali, and New Year

Delay in Book Return :

  • Fine policy: If not returned on the due date fine of Rs. 1/- per day will be charged for the first three days and thereafter a fine of Rs. 05/-per day will be charged
  • The existing policy for late return of books will be continued. In addition, it was suggested that if they do not comply after repeated reminders, students may not be allowed to appear in internal exams.
  • An email notification will be sent as a reminder to defaulters.

Library Rules :

  • Presentation of an Identity card is a must for entry into the Library and Reading room.
  • Identity card scanning is compulsory while entry to and exiting from Library.
  • Discipline must be strictly maintained in the Reading room.
  • Eatables are strictly not allowed in the Reading room and Library.
  • Students not observing the above rules, can not avail of Library and Reading room facilities.
    1. On the first offense – One-week suspension and/or Fine of Rs. 500
    2. On the second offense – One-month suspension and/or Fine of Rs.1000
    3. On the third offense - Permanent suspension.
  • UG Students, staff dependants, and PAA Members are not allowed to carry Laptops / Tablets in the Reading room. For Academic purposes, students can avail the facilities at the computer lab including internet access facility freely on recommendation by the concerned faculty.
  • UG and PG students should get free access to the E-educational material.
  • Personal uses of Internet facilities are Chargeable.
  • Air Condition in Reading rooms will be operated between 11.00 am to 12.00 midnight.
  • Reservation of seats in the Reading room is not permitted.
  • Library staff will not responsible for the loss of any items kept unattended by students in the Reading rooms. On loss of any personal belongings, request from students to check CCTV footage will not be entertained.
  • Smoking, Chewing Pan & Tobacco is strictly prohibited.
  • Mobiles may be carried out in the library, but they should be kept on silent mode only, and responding to any call should be outside the library only.
  • Sitting in the lobby is not permitted.
  • Library staff is authorized to check baggage, on suspicion.
  • Strict discipline and pin-drop silence should be maintained.
  • The user would have to replace & pay the prescribed penalty for damage and /or loss of books. The decision of the competent authority will be final.
  • One library card will be issued to you on which one book for 14 days will be issued on the library card, renewal after 14 days.
  • Books are to be returned on or before the due date.
  • The penalty for not returning books on the due dates would be as under :
    1. Rs. 1.00 per Day up to 1 st three days, then after Rs. 05.00 per day.
    2. If any user is found to be a defaulter on more than three occasions, his/her membership would be canceled apart from collection penalties.
  • Readers are requested to surrender library tickets at the time of leaving the institute failing which Rs. 50.00 per Ticket will be charged.
  • Duplicate library ticket @ Rs. 50.00/Ticket.

Policy for PAA Members and Staff dependants :

  • For Alumni students, it was suggested that ID cards should be issued to them by PAA, which can be valid for one year to avail of the Reading rooms facilities. After one year token payment of Rs. 250/month will be taken. For the dependants of staff members of CAM, Permission from the Dean will be necessary. They are also required to carry with them a permission letter and ID card. Usages of reading room facilities will be provided on the token payment of Rs. 250/month Undertaking in the standard format (to be prepared) in must from the staff members for his/her dependants.
  • All library rules are applicable to staff dependants and PAA Members also.
  • Violation of any of the above would invite disciplinary actions.