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Posted by : Admin|Date : 21 Sep, 2021|Location : Karamsad

Bhaikaka University observes World Alzheimer`s Day 2021

The Department of Psychiatry of Bhaikaka University and Shree Krishna Hospital screened about 30 elders for dementia and other mental health issues on World Alzheimer`s Day.


The Faculty and Interns of the Department of Psychiatry of BhaikakaUniversity and Shree Krishna Hospital (a teaching hospital) visited the Jalaram Bapa Vishram Trust, an old age home at Karamsad on 21st September 2021 on World Alzheimer's Day. The team of doctors screened about 30 elders for Dementia and other mental health conditions.


Dr. Himanshu Sharma, Professor in Psychiatry Department delivered a health talk on "Symptoms of Dementia" and Dr. Hardik Patel, Assistant Professor talked about the "Prevalence of Dementia".


Dr. Jagdish Varma discussed the seven pillars that play a significant role to reduce the risk of dementia which include: regular exercise, social engagement, healthy diet, mental stimulation, quality sleep, stress management, and vascular health. He said that “ Dementia not only affects people of old age but is also found in young people. Early diagnosis of dementia is necessary as it gives people an opportunity to plan for the future. He added that early diagnosis can result in treatment that controls symptoms and delays progression”.