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Posted by : Admin|Date : 01 Oct, 2021|Location : Karamsad

Inauguration of NSS Wing of Bhaikaka University

The NSS wing of Bhaikaka University was inaugurated on 1st October, also the second Foundation of the University. Around 100 volunteers registered from the four constituent institutions of the University.


Our NSS volunteers carried out activities on various themes which included: Motivating de-addiction by giving flowers to those found consuming tobacco; To reduce plastic waste those found throwing plastic garbage in the campus were given flowers and paper bags and were encouraged to ban single-use plastic; For Road safety, those not wearing helmets were given flowers reminding about ensuring their safety; Since 1st October is also International Day for Old Age People, a free "Physiotherapy Camp, and Fall Awareness Program " was conducted at the Jalarambapa Vishram Trust, Karamsad.